The D-day, Exams
Days later, I got a mail that I had been registered as a member of the ICT4D consortium and that I was expected to be an active member. We had a one month ICT4D course which was coordinated virtually (through Skype), I had not used this social media platform before, we were given different topics to research on and discuss. My research topic was “how to use ICTs to curb insecurity: taking Kidnapping in Kenya as my case study” the course was a joint collaboration between my university- Maseno University and several other African and European Universities like University of Joensuu, Finland, Tumaini University, Iringa University college, Tanzania, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana, Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique, Universite Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD), Senegal, Association of African Universities and Entertainment Robotics, Denmark.
It was coordinated by some of the great heads in ICT4D field like Prof. Tim Unwin and Ugo Valauri of Royal Holloway University, Clint Rogers UEF, John K. Alwala of Maseno university, Jorrit Mulder from Amsterdam, Dr. Ibrahim Niang of Senegal among other high voltage personalities in the ICT4D arena. I must admit this course was a great eye opener to me, it opened my mind to what exactly this catchy abbreviation means, what it entails and the benefits and potential that can be accrued from it.
ICT4D exchange program in Finland
Mostly for supervised and assessed student attachments, students are not allowed to look for placement places outside the country unless otherwise (In Maseno) and this is one of the most stressing moments of a student’s life because failure to secure yourself a place tantamount to failure to graduation, besides your place of attachment greatly determines your place of first employment. I was undergoing this very predicament ( searching for an attachment place) when my sadist lecturer turned mentor, friend and dad informed me that arrangements were underway for me to go to Finland for an ICT4D student exchange program that would as well double as my attachment in UEF Joensuu campus.
Three months stay in Finland
We were divided into three major groups:
- Contextual ICT
- Multimedia for learning and
- ICT curriculum development
I was in the latter group where we were mandated to develop a four year Bsc ICT curriculum for Maseno University, Kenya and a one year Teacher Training ICT curriculum for Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique.
Meeting with professors and high profile individuals in academia
While I was in Finland I made a scholarship application to attend a one week “ICTD LONDON 2010 “an ICT4D conference that was to be held at Royal Holloway University in London. My scholarship application to attend the conference was granted when I had come back to Kenya and was just preparing for my graduation which was to take place on 10th of Dec 2010. The conference was to run from 12th -16th of Dec which means I had to leave the country earlier, like on 11th latest a day after my graduation. Unfortunately I had issues with UK visa agency and time wasn’t on my side to appeal plus other complications that arose, therefore I dint make it to that conference.
ICT4D and Social Entrepreneurship course- Voices of Africa
During my three month stay in Finland, I enrolled for certificate level entrepreneurship course dubbed Innovation at North Karelia University of Applied Sciences (Finland). Actually I enrolled for this course not so much because I wanted to become an entrepreneur but because I saw some of the exchange students enroll for it and since I dint want to be left behind, I had to follow suit, not knowing how important it would prove to be in my line of work.
Currently we offer a certificate level ICT4D and Social entrepreneurship course at African Nazarene University Ngong road campus in Nairobi, and I am the lead ICT4D training facilitator, we do hope to see the course grow into a diploma and a degree level course.
N/B I may not know clearly at the moment the path my career is going to take, but one thing that I know for sure is that ICT4D is going to be a major determining factor.