Hope-to desire with anticipation of obtainment- comes to play when circumstances are dire, when things are not going well or at least there is considerable uncertainty about how things will turn out, hope literally opens up and removes the blinders of fear and despair and allows us to see the big picture thus allowing us to become creative and have a belief in a better future…..Wikipedia
Hope has a way of keeping us going, of keeping us alive, of helping us overcome difficult times. A story is told of mother from famine stricken Turkana who could not stand to see her children lose hope in life and die of hunger, she herself new that there was nothing she could do to avert the situation but she had to give her kids hope, so she lit fire, put her gumboots in a sufuria, poured water and decided to cook, Kids oblivious of what their mum was cooking started being jovial and expectant that at least they will eat something , the ‘food’ took forever to prepare but when the kids prodded why this particular meal wasn’t getting ready, their mum replied that it was one huge hard but delicious meal that needed a lot of time to prepare- and so just when the ‘meal’ was about to be served, she diapered not wanting to see her kids' disappointment and that’s the last time she saw her kids but at least she gave them hope that saw them through that day!
So today I was just wondering out aloud, how long can one live on hope or otherwise put how long can one live without hope?
"We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope."
Martin Luther King, Jr.
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